
Trading Patterns

Simplify the Buying or Shorting process by following the signals. Validate the pattern and control risk by leveraging our easy-to-follow backtesting. Understand opportunities for consistent returns, then leverage the signals for timely execution.

Insitutional Trades

Ultra signals translate the institutional trades into a customizable format which can be set and any multiplier. This allows traders to easily identify jumps in the stocks, which are usually indicative of block orders.

Support & Resistance Lines

Quickly identify the levels of support and resistance based on historical data. This feature is delivered in real-time across charts, allowing traders to easily identify the greatest opportunities at a moment's notice.

Real-Time Alerts

Build alerts based on the UltraAlgo indicator with a matching configuration of Range / Time settings. The alerts can be delivered via Email, SMS and In-App across Devices.

Trend Lines

BWe include variable trend lines (technical chart indicator) that tracks the price of an investment (like a stock or commodity) over time. This is a type of moving average based on 15 indicators that gives more weighting to recent price data.

Advanced Backtesting

Set a custom look-back period based on any preferred catalyst or event to understand the performance during the range. Apply stop limits and profit targets to the strategy for the best profit target calculations.

Last updated